Becoming a Civil Servant
Created by Alton 7 days ago
I joined Orange Bus in January 2015 and 3 weeks later I was contracted out to HMRC, where I first met Vicky. She, like me, was also working for Orange Bus and had been contracted out to HMRC.
One morning when checking my emails I saw an email in my inbox from Vicky, this was despite her only sitting a few desks away. She had sent a link to a job advert at HMRC for the same role I was doing but as a civil servant not a contractor, the salary was significantly better. In fact, I later found out I was actually the lowest paid Researcher at HMRC.
I spoke to Vicky about the role and she filed me with confidence about my prospects, allaying all my fears and suggesting that I speak to the Head of Research. I was eventually successful in gaining the role. This was an act of pure selflessness and sums up the person that Vicky was.
I later found various Interaction Design roles for Vicky to try to return the favour, she was often aware of them already and would calmly explain that she couldn’t apply as she was in a sponsored work visa. No frustration whatsoever from her, the only frustration was from me at realising someone so perfect for so many roles was repeatedly denied opportunities to apply.
I was so delighted when she got her British citizenship and became a civil servant at DWP.
She had a huge role in the first few years of my career and it was a privilege to have known and work alongside her in so many projects.
Thank you Vicky, RIP